For its 2024 edition, the Street Art Parc, in collaboration with the Château de Candes, will host artist residencies from April 1 to December 31 in the village of Candes-Saint-Martin.
You are: Visual artist, Fresco artist, Sculptor, Dancer, Juggler, Musician, this residency space is made for you.
An indoor workshop, with numerous equipment and the possibility of working on various projects.
Exchanges with visitors and locals during workshops on urban arts.
Temporary exhibition spaces, in the park and in the various cellars. A shop offering lithographs of the exhibited artists
FOR PERFORMERS (Dancers, jugglers, musicians)
A space dedicated to the movement and manipulation of objects in the heart of the park is provided to you to express yourself freely and work on your creations day and night in a geodesic dome 10m in diameter and 5 meters high.
Laminated wooden floor suitable for dancing, sound system and lights provided.
Collective accommodation with cooking for up to 6 artists per residence.
All costs related to residence once there are covered.
What do we expect from artists in residency:
1. Come to residences for at least one week, propose a creation during their residence and present it in the park.
The works will be permanently exhibited in the park, the supports are numerous and can be created according to needs.
2. Meet visitors by offering discovery workshops.
3. Be respectful of the place and collaborative with other artists. It is not a party place, but a space for work and creation.
This year’s Theme is Land Art:
Another approach of Street Art and its apporpriation of the public place.
What would be your interpretation of this particularity of street art in a natural environment?
Who are your hosts?
The “Fire NoMads” is a Franco-Chinese duo of multi-disciplinary artists.
Fire artists and stilt walkers in China from 2012 to 2022, they are also passionate about juggling, contact improvisation and more generally everything related to danced and juggled movement.
They are also organizers of Dali Flow Fest 2018/19 and Dali Contact Festival 2021.
They hosted the last 2 years artistic residencies, organized the nocturnes of the parc and the festival Arts 2 Rues.
Discover their creations and events on

If you wish to participate, send your application files to until December 31st 2023.
Each file must include:
– Number of participants.
– Introduction of the artists with link to photos and video of past creations, website, instagram…
– Desired date and duration of the residency.
– Creation proposal.
– Budget necessary for the creation.
Hoping to welcome you soon and together, come together!