Stay Réo

Artist from graffiti and electro culture offers through his works an urban aesthetic tinged with impressionism.

In his different compositions, he endlessly mixes shapes: arrows, curves, pipes and breaks; and the techniques, opposing: bomb and acrylic, curves and straight lines.

Both a painter and a DJ, he cultivates the art of mixing in abstract paintings in vivid colors using computer graphics to create his stencils.

For the Street Art Parc – Château de Môh, STAYREO first produced a first work in 2019 “Human matrix” unfortunately swept away by a fall from a tree in the park weakened by the storm of winter 2019. We reproduced it with a photo of the painted wooden palisade as installed in the park the previous summer.

This random composition of small dots and diamonds is contemplated by the Human sheep, a sort of symbolic creator of human degeneration.

Invited again for the 2020 edition, STAYREO composes “Mandatory mask – Obligatory mask”, a graphic work on the theme of the mask in which different patterns create a new mask, echoing the recent health crisis and where reality goes beyond the fiction of the ‘artwork .
