
From the age of 12, ESPION is passionate about the world of graphic arts. He is a self-taught artist who develops his artistic expression through various techniques, from bombs to drawing to bodypainting.

ESPION is also the creator of the “graffiti tour” in Montreuil where he has his workshop. He received the Silver Prize for his famous gigantic owl on the facade of a house in Montreuil.

For the Street Art Parc – Château de Môh, ESPION realizes during his residency in summer 2019 two monumental works “The cry of the forest” and “The spirit of the forest” and seized the opportunity to integrate his work in nature, he who usually works in an urban environment.

« Le cri de la forêt » est un immense gorille de 8 mètres par 3 qui fait écho à l’emblème du Château, le gorille Môh.

Tandis que « l‘esprit de la forêt » est la vision fantastique d’un immense visage de femme dont la chevelure se mêle aux branches et aux racines et qui semble s’adresser aux visiteurs.